We are happy to share Infomineo's fully reviewed newsletter. Based on our clients' feedback, we have updated both the format and the content to make it more enjoyable to read and more useful to you.
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Environmental Sustainability and the Fortune 500
Fortune 500 companies are focusing on developing sustainability policies and targets to tackle their environmental impact, yet their ambitions vary dramatically across sectors and geographies. This report analyzes the sustainability efforts of the Fortune 500 in 3 key areas, namely: climate, water, and waste.
Learn more about Environmental Sustainability and the Fortune 500, with Farah Harb!
Farah is a Business Research Associate and she is overseeing the Thought Leadership at Infomineo.
Global E-commerce Market Overview
The global e-commerce market has, over the last two years, undergone revolutionary change.
Consumers have grown accustomed to buying items from the comfort of their own homes, a change spurred largely by strict lockdowns and restrictions on movement.
This shift in shopping behavior, moreover, looks likely to be permanent and not transitory...
The Challenge of Post-Pandemic International Travel
In this study, we analyzed the arrival statistics of different countries, alongside the travel restrictions they put in place, allowing us to identify several trends among countries that have lifted all COVID-19 travel restrictions.
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Click the image to access the report!
With this month's Methodology you'll learn :
- How to structure your
research process
- How to optimize every
research step
- Best practices for
conducting high-quality
research exercises
A government entity was staffing its economic research department with officials rotating between offshore assignments…
This not only prevented the officials from focusing on their core tasks but also led to an inconsistency of data output which was of poor quality.
Samed, a consultant, reached out to Infomineo, looking for a solution that would standardize their research activities inside the entity and provide its officials with the necessary ongoing research and content support.
Nacer is a Senior Vice President at Infomineo. He is currently based in Dubai but will soon move to our Barcelona office to support our European clients. Nacer is a former investment banker at Morgan Stanley, then he became an investor before changing life to become an adventurer and motivational speaker.
What makes Nacer unique
In 2013 he became the first Moroccan to climb Mount Everest, a feat he followed up two years later by becoming the first Moroccan to ski to the North pole.
See you next month!
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INFOMINEO, Value added business services, Casablanca, Cairo, Barcelona, Mexico, Dubai
Infomineo is a Brainshoring company, dedicated to supporting global companies in getting access to information that powers their business decisions. Infomineo provides quick access to market data on key questions such as market and product prioritization, partner identification, commercial due diligence, route to market, supply chain mapping, and competitive analysis, among others. Along with conducting Custom Research for clients. Infomineo also delivers Expert Network services, Graphic Design and Business Translation as a service.