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Download For Free The Full Report "From Sustainability to Consumerism: The contradictions of the U.S. second - hand market"

The Report Includes:
  • The evolution of second-hand shopping from necessity to trend.
  • Insights into the economic and environmental impacts of the second-hand market.
  • Case studies of major brands' resale programs and their profitability challenges.
  • Strategies for improving sustainability across the value chain.


Navigating the Challenges of a Thriving Market

Discover how the thriving second-hand market in the U.S. faces challenges that undermine its sustainable and affordable roots. Despite industry growth, brands introducing resale programs encounter significant obstacles. Learn how these brands can capitalize on market opportunities while navigating these hurdles.

Preview of the full report:
Second-hand shopping: from affordable to trendy, thanks to social media glamor around thrifting
Brands with resale programs face skepticism and greenwashing claims for relying on resale while neglecting wider sustainability issues
Companies are enhancing their resale programs with actions along the entirety of their value chain
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